Poly isn't for everyone. I was in a poly relationship for 5 years. We lived as a poly fidelous triad. One of the most important rules to live by is absolute communications. This means that everyone involved in this relationship needs to communicate with all of the other partners. Secrets within the relationship is a poison pill. Second rule, live your poly, not someone else's version of it. You will find a plethora of people quick to point out that your relationship is not "true" poly because you don't do this or that. Live your chosen dynamic as you see fit. Third rule, see the first rule, communications. The one item that fosters jealousy among partners is the unknown, the secrets, the deceptions and the lies. These will quickly bring your relationship to a crumbling halt. Don't use poly as an excuse to cheat. Any new partners added to the family should be introduced to the other partners prior to commencing a relationship with that person. Don't use poly to foster swinging. Contrary to what you may have read, poly is not soft swinging. And finally, poly is not poly. Polyamory is not polygamy. While it may sound similar, they are different in many ways. Polygamy is where one lives as married to more than one spouse. Polyamory is loving more than one. Generally (not always) poly folks don't live as married to more than one spouse, but committed to more than one loving, consenting adults. I've researched alternate lifestyles for many years. I've experienced alternate lifestyles for over 37 years. I am not an expert, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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