Sunday, February 23, 2014

Arizona: SB 1062, state sponsored hate or religious freedom?

The state of Arizona recently passed a bill designed to "protect" religious freedom by allowing businesses to discriminate against those they feel violate their religious beliefs. Essentially a legalized defense to discriminate against anyone! See the actual bill here Arizona Bills

This Los Angeles Times article sheds more light on this bill:,0,1812097.story#axzz2uAhnSAZk

In my opinion this bill is nothing but state sponsored hate. This will give anyone wishing to discriminate a viable defense by claiming religious privilege. If you happen to be fat, atheist, disabled, LGBT, of color, female, drive a motorcycle, have tattoos, dress differently...the list is endless, this bill will essentially allow businesses, industry, even private citizens to discriminate at will. This is a disgraceful back-step in the quest for equal rights. Its been my experience that businesses already have the right to refuse service for legitimate reasons. I'm sure you've seen the signs: no shoes, no shirt, no service. Do we need a state law forcing the issue? No! In fact this is not a law protecting the good citizens of Arizona, this is a law protecting businesses so they won't be sued by people who feel that they were discriminated against. If a business or individual claims that service to another will violate their religious beliefs, this bill shields them to discriminate and refuse service to that person or organization. 

This has far reaching affects. If you live in a community where the nearest hospital is managed by a religious entity, you can legally be refused entry if they think you are LGBT or a host of other self identified titles. If a local grocery store has a religious owner and decides that the elderly gay man in a wheel chair doesn't deserve entry to their store, this bill allows them to refuse service to that person even if its the only lifeline this elderly person has to get what they need to survive. 

This sounds disturbingly familiar to the lunch counter discrimination against those of color back in the 60's. Why then does this bill and its supporters feel that the very same discrimination that we fought against for so many years, is now okay because we placed a religious banner over the top? Jan Brewer, don't allow the great state of Arizona to sink to the level of Russia, Uganda, and a host of other countries and become another footnote in the set back for human rights. Veto this bill!

I ask the supporters of this bill 1 simple question...


Monday, February 17, 2014

Why I carry a gun...

Carrying a weapon is a huge responsibility. One must be situationally aware of their surroundings at all times. This sometimes hinders the places I will go or the activities I do on my days off. Then there's the perception of others who are, shall we say "less educated" about the concept of concealed carry. So, to answer the question "do I enjoy carrying"? No! I carry so that my family and I have the means to avoid becoming a sad statistic. I carry because the forefathers of this country saw fit to allow law-abiding citizens a plausible system of self preservation. I carry because criminals don't give a damn about background checks, waiting periods, or whether or not they will spend an extra 5 years in jail for using a weapon. To criminals, gun control is a joke. I carry because drug addicts have no regard for human life (especially their own) and will kill for their next $5 fix. I carry because oppression seems to be the next Olympic sport designed to allow state sanctioned torture  and discrimination against their own citizens. Finally, I carry because I CAN and I will make no apologies for doing so!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

I Need a Specialist

I find it difficult to understand the medical profession. I spent countless resources preparing for my office visit with an Endocrinologist. I had my records sent to her office. My cat scan was forwarded to her office. I did hours of research preparing questions and learning "the language" of her specialty. I even showered before going! We waited 20 minutes to see the doctor. While we waited, I was grilled by the medical assistant. Finally, the doctor arrived and told me that I knew more about my condition than she did. Then she told me she couldn't help me. Apparently the medical schools are not covering anatomy & physiology as they once did. I am seeing a surgeon next week. He has already indicated that he may not be able to help me either.
I am appealing to you, the readers, to help me find the doctor who specializes in Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) more commonly known as “Intersex”. This was formally known as “true hermaphroditism”. I live in the Las Vegas area so I can see someone within a 300 mile radius if needed. I can also fly to a limited amount of cities if the need presents itself. I have a limited amount of insurance through Aetna & even more limited funds. There is a sense of urgency because I am experiencing a great deal of pain associated with this condition. If you know of anyone who specializes in these conditions, please let me know via the following email, . Thanks for reading!