Mr. Putin,
You have placed the Russian people into the dark ages. You single handedly robbed your citizens of the basic civil right to choose whom they love. You have jeopardized the safety and sanctity that the International Olympics offers to athletes around the world. You see Mr. Putin, The rest of the world is moving forward and accepting the diverse and eclectic community known as LGBTQ. Our community does not judge others for their choice in spouses, partners or companions. Our community is growing, prosperous, and self sufficient.
In our country, the United States of America, we are making huge strides in the civil rights of our citizens. Sure, we have areas where we need improvement, but I wouldn't live anywhere else in the world. We have our share of wingnuts, homophobes, and racists but for the most part we are united in our efforts to improve the lives of all. We don't require our citizens to keep quiet. There is no "don't ask, don't tell" requirements. We are proud of who we are and we will shout it from your roof tops as we do ours. Your bully tactics and threats of arrest are reminiscent of a bygone era where the Soviet Bloc aligned itself with the likes of history's most despicable monsters.
Mr. Putin, I ask you to re-think your stagnant non productive position on our LGBTQ community. If for no other reason, do it for the Olympics.
John & Laura Benedict
Southern Nevada Bisexuals
Monday, August 12, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
A compelling story of love, a book review
Companions Nich’ooni by Jed A.
Bryan is a compelling story of love, devotion, and self-preservation. The
central characters are paired together by a traditional duty to their church. This pairing
has little to do with compatibility and everything to do with whom and to where
the Mormon Church chooses. They are interested in membership not relationships.
Set in 1968, a time when very few
were brave enough to come out to their own families that they were gay, these Elders
were thrust together to deal with their own fallibilities. Jed brings these
characters to life. I could feel crisp clean mountain air stinging my lungs. I
felt the dirt beneath my feet. The vivid details will put you deep within
Navajo country. I could sense the
contempt these boys felt when their feelings betrayed their upbringing. Jed uses
the Navajo language to punctuate the cultural differences between Geoffrey and
Their tumultuous beginning melted
into a caring, loving relationship. Geoffrey’s family never comes to grips with
his outing, nor the apparent flamboyancy of his uncle Ho. Their untimely outing
to the church seemed to spark their intent to show the world that they were out
and quite content about it. Unfortunately,
the atmosphere in that day and age didn’t lend itself to diversity and
tolerance. As with many in the LGBT community today, they were forced to flee
for their own safety. Fortunately uncle Ho understood their needs and took them
This story was based on true events
in the author’s life. I applaud Jed’s tenacity and his attention to details. I
encourage you to curl up to your wood burning stove amid your Hogan and read
this book. And finally, all of us can appreciate the need for our very own
uncle Ho.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Can gays help save marriage?
The following story was gleaned from the Las Vegas Sun.
Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013 | 2:02 a.m.
E.J. Dionne
The rapid evolution of attitudes toward gay marriage is a wonder to behold. On few issues has public opinion moved as quickly or decisively. Many who are against the formal recognition of homosexual unions are now resigned to the reality they will eventually become commonplace.
The main drivers of this transformation are obvious. Most Americans now know that people they care about are gay or lesbian, and empathy can do wonderful things. Partly because of this, younger Americans overwhelmingly favor same-sex marriage. They will dominate the electorates of the future.
That finding comes our way courtesy of a series of surveys that have been conducted by Third Way, a policy organization close to moderate Democrats, and the Human Rights Campaign, one of the country’s leading gay rights groups. Overall, their latest poll found that 53 percent of Americans now favor “allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally,” while 40 percent are opposed.
The two organizations have been tracking this question: “Do you think gay couples who want to get married are trying to change the institution of marriage or join it?” In 2009, Americans were closely divided on this: 50 percent said gay couples wanted to join marriage, while 41 percent said these couples wanted to change it.
In the survey the groups will release this week as part of their aptly named “Commitment Campaign,” 58 percent said gays and lesbians wanted to join marriage and only 27 percent said they were looking to change it.
This suggests that an increasing number of Americans reject the culture-war frame when it comes to gay marriage and that fewer see it as threatening their own values.
The survey was also striking in showing that Americans make careful distinctions around the religious freedom questions raised by granting gays and lesbians access to marriage.
On the one hand, 61 percent of Americans say churches and clergy members should have the right to refuse to perform a marriage ceremony for a gay or lesbian couple. Only 28 percent said they should not. But when it came to nonreligious market transactions related to weddings — involving caterers, florists, restaurants and the like — respondents took a very different view. Substantial majorities said that providers of such services should not be able to withhold them from homosexual couples.
The public’s broad sensitivity to the specific rights of religious institutions is quite different from an endorsement of a wholesale right for individuals to discriminate against gays seeking marriage.
Social conservatives especially should take note of where Americans are heading. Because the desire of gays and lesbians to live in publicly committed relationships is seen increasingly as an endorsement of marriage as it has long been understood, there are new opportunities to defend marriage itself.
We need to lay down arms in the culture wars and face up to the urgency of strengthening families.
One person who hopes we will take this path is David Blankenhorn, president of the Institute for American Values. Once a strong foe of same-sex marriage, Blankenhorn has dropped his opposition and urged that we turn our attention instead to a disturbing development: Well-off Americans are far more likely to be in stable marriages than the less affluent. This creates a damaging social cycle — economic inequality is breeding family instability even as family instability is deepening economic inequality.
We could, of course, replace one divisive fight with another and start arguing about whether the problems families face are caused primarily by personal choices or economic challenges. Instead, we should follow the advice of Robert Putnam, a Harvard professor who is deeply alarmed by the expanding American class divide.
Putnam says we should be able to accept the “red truth” that family structure matters and the “blue truth” that declining economic opportunities are, for so many Americans, worsening family difficulties — a point his colleague, William Julius Wilson, has long been stressing. There is a role for personal responsibility and a role for government social policy.
The end of rancor over gay marriage should mark the beginning of an effort to save marriage itself.
E.J. Dionne is a columnist for The Washington Post.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Until Someone Gets Hurt: The Multi-Layered Crime Spree and Murder by a Master Criminal Enterprise
Sherrie Lueder, Tyson Wrensch and their entire literary staff really brought
this story to life. The details were precise. The story lines segwayed from one
lie to the next. Layers were peeled like onions. These criminals built one con
after the other. Some of them overlapped so often that the criminals had to
check with each other to keep their lies straight. Tyson, stepped up and helped
put an end to this growing criminal enterprise. These guys did so many things
wrong, that I had to double check the back of the book to be sure that it was a
true story. If you like "dumb" criminal crime stories, this one will top them
all. The real kicker is that it's all true. Buy this book!!
Until Someone Gets Hurt: The Multi-Layered Crime Spree and Murder by a Master Criminal Enterprise
Until Someone Gets Hurt: The Multi-Layered Crime Spree and Murder by a Master Criminal Enterprise
2-Year-Old Assaulted in Fla. Walmart for Wearing Pink Headband
A mother shares the horrific story about what happened when her son wore a feminine headband in one of the retail giant’s stores.
BY Jase Peeples
August 05 2013 7:21 PM ET
"What Happened When My Son Wore a Pink Headband to Walmart" - via A Mother Thing
This was gleaned from the following website:,1
This is Dexter. He is 2 years old. He loves to be Batman and Superman and Spiderman. He's a real boys' boy. He pretends he is flying, and he captures the baddies who threaten us.
He is the sweetest little troublemaker you'll ever meet.
Some other things you might like to know about Dexter:
He is a fabulous big brother. He was a later bloomer vocabulary-wise. He used to be terribly shy but has recently begun to come out of his shell. He loves new people and enjoys greeting them with a big "HI!" when he meets them.
His favorite color is pink. He loves Dora the Explorer. He has been known to wear my skirt as a dress, and he delights in cuddling with his mama.
Last night, I took my two boys out to pick up a couple of things from Walmart. Mark had to catch up on some work, so I ventured out on my own, which is something I don't do very often. It takes a lot of work to get the kids ready, get them in and out of the car, find a shopping cart, keep them happy while I shop and get them home in one piece. You parents will understand this.
After struggling to get him dressed and get his shoes on, I had to pry an overlarge teddy bear out of Dexter's arms, as he was set on taking him with us. This brought on tears and tantrums, which I somehow managed to calm very quickly. But when I attempted to remove my discarded lace flower headband from his head (which he'd been wearing all day), I saw him getting ready to fight, so I left him to it. Who was he hurting?
We got to the store, and amazingly I managed to get him to sit in the shopping cart with no issues. The fact that he was wearing a cute girly headband made him feel good, and he was charming all the old ladies by waving like a little pageant prince. I snapped his photo after two old birds came up to tell me just how adorable he was.
He rocked that headband.
Soon enough, we were done with our shop and were making our way toward the front. As we passed through the produce section, two teenage girls began giggling and one of them asked, "Is that a boy or a girl?" I smiled and said, "He's a boy." I looked on at him adoringly as they continued to giggle.
Out of nowhere a big booming voice rang out. "THAT'S a BOY?!" The man was overly large with a bushy beard and a camouflage shirt with the arms cut off. He had tattered shorts and lace-up work boots with no laces. I could smell the fug of cigarette smoke surrounding him, and there was a definite pong of beer on him.
"Yes," I said simply, still smiling.
With no notice, the man stepped forward, grabbed the headband off of Dexter's head and threw it to the bottom of our shopping cart. He then cuffed Dexter around the side of his head (not hard, but that is not the point) and said with a big laugh, "You'll thank me later, little man!"
At the same time as I stepped forward, Dexter grabbed his head where the man had smacked him and threw his other hand forward, stomping his foot and shouting, "NO!" I got between my son and this man and said very firmly, "If you touch my son again, I will cut your damn hands off."
The guy snarled at me, looked at Dexter with disgust and said, "Your son is a f*cking fa***t." He then started sauntering out, but not before he threw over his shoulder, "He'll get shot for it one day."
I stood there, shaking, fists clenched, waiting for the man to disappear out the door, and then I fell apart. I was shaking so hard, holding back tears and comforting Dexter.
Not a single person said or did anything. There were several people who had witnessed the encounter, but not one of them came over to offer support or console me or my son.
Let me repeat to you: Dexter is 2 YEARS OLD.
I was there with a 2-year-old and a 5-month-old baby, and my kid had been verbally and physically assaulted by a man. And no one did a thing.
I made my way to the front, still in shock, and I paid for my items and left. I did not report it to the management nor to the authorities, though I am considering doing both. But as I live in a tourist area, I doubt there is anything I can do to find the man -- he could be anyone from anywhere.
It's been almost 24 hours, and I've vented on Facebook and had many supportive comments. I have calmed down. I am able to look at the situation with as much objectivity as I am capable of.
There is so much wrong with what happened that I don't even know where to begin.
This man removed an article of clothing that my son was wearing. It doesn't matter that it was a headband. It is never OK.
This man forcefully touched my child without permission. He thought he was being funny. I did NOT think he was.
He called my son an extremely derogatory word AND suggested that he deserved to die.
How is ANY of this okay?!
THIS is what bigotry looks like.
A grown man who should know better decided it was OK to step in and "teach" my child what it is to be manly. He thought it was OK to judge my child because he was not adhering to HIS idea of what a little boy should be. Clearly, the man was a homophobe, which is bad enough -- but to attribute gay tendencies to a 2-year-old is as RIDICULOUS as attributing STRAIGHT tendencies to a 2-year-old. It just doesn't compute!
A 2-year-old HAS no sexuality.
To think you can "teach" a child to be a certain way is unbelievable. Even if being gay is a lifestyle choice (which I don't believe for a second), it is not a choice that a toddler can ever make. And much like little girls can play baseball or enjoy monster trucks, little boys can and do play dress up with mommy's clothes, accessories, makeup, etc. Everything is new and exciting to a kid, and they learn by trying new things.
Mark and I are both completely supportive of love in all forms. Be you gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual or polygamous, it is YOUR business. I don't judge, and I don't try and change you.
And if one or both of my kids grow up to realize they are any of these things, it will not change a thing about how I feel toward them.
But right now, the fact that homophobia is so rampant, that gay marriage is still seen as dirty because homosexuals are "lesser" somehow and don't deserve to have the same rights as straight folk, that people like that man in Walmart even EXIST makes me fear for my kids and their futures.
While we may accept and support whoever our kids turn out to be, I am scared beyond words at what it would mean for them if they ARE gay. Why should anyone have to live in fear because they fall in love with someone that you or someone else doesn't agree with? Why should mothers and fathers of gay kids have to have an extra layer of terror at night because they know that the world at large is against their child?
Why does it matter? Do you really think your God or your Jesus or your deity of choice would be as judgemental as you seem to be? Even the POPE has come out and said it's OK to be gay.
But all of this aside, whatever stance you take on the debate, it is a complete farce to ever allow your fear or disgust with an ADULT lifestyle color your view of a child!
And it is NEVER EVER OK to touch a kid who isn't yours without permission. ALL people, even children, deserve respect.
This was gleaned from the following website:,1
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